Saturday, August 4, 2007

Where did July go?

I realize how cliche this is to say, but I can't believe it's already August! Last month was such a whirlwind what with changing jobs and spending two weeks in California. It's funny how seeing all the "back to school" things in stores still gives me that mix of excitement, anticipation, and nerves. I haven't been in school for a while now, so you'd think those feelings would have passed by now. Maybe it's one of those things that never changes no matter how old you get. I am enjoying the summer weather and relaxed atmosphere, but the anticipation of fall and then the holiday season always fills me with wonder and child-like joy. Life is good, isn't it?

My trip to California was... how do I finish this sentence? First of all, thank you to anyone who read any of my previous posts and prayed even once for the things I listed. That 21-year old co-worker definitely tested my last nerve (and let me tell you, I wasn't alone in that!). There were 9 of us there for training, four from my office and the rest from various parts of California. Several of us went to Universal Studios on Saturday, which was just about as fun as the first time I went as a child. But the best part of my trip by far was going to church on Sunday. It wasn't a particularly moving sermon. The place had the AC cranked to at least 60 degrees (and let me tell you, I'm not particularly warm-blooded). There were probably only about 20 people there, if that. But... I was in the house of the Lord in the company of His children and in the presence of His Majesty. I was moved to tears not two minutes into worship that morning. I hadn't realized how "in the world" I had been even that first week there. Sure, I still did my morning devotions and spent time in prayer. But I was sharing a car with at least two other people, who always over-ruled me on music choices (I had no idea what is being allowed on the radio these days, passing for music!). Anyway, rather than tell you about all that was NOT good, I'd prefer to focus on what was. Walking into that tiny chapel off a dusty road in Ontario, I was overcome with a sense of peace. The Lord did a great work on my soul, reminding me how completely blessed I am with the fellowship I have and the leaders that teach me. I am so thankful for that little wake-up call, and I am really going to focus on not taking what I have for granted. This world has so much to throw in our faces as Christians, mocking us and tempting us and offending us until we're red in the face. But God has surrounded me and sheltered me from the storm, and I need to be thankful for that every single day. So really, that's what I learned after two weeks of training for my new job. :)

I hope anyone reading this knows how blessed you are. Count your blessings - write them down and read them later. God is real and He is mighty, and He is working in your life right now, whether you realize it or not. Look for Him, and I guarantee you'll find Him with a giant grin on His face and arms open wide, shining so brightly that the path from you to Him will be clearer than day.

1 comment:

adam koller said...

I am glad you made it through alive. I can't imagine how tough it was to be with someone for two weeks strait who was like that. Just remember, it is His kindness that leads men to repentance :) And the music... I can't believe the songs that the kids I work with sing! I am starting to take pool time away from them if I hear them sing nasty songs... I hope the new job continues to be a blessing. I can't believe you don't work at starbucks!!! :)
