Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Long Time no Write

I know, it's been quite a while hasn't it? I guess you could say life has been crazy. But, it's all in the hands of the Lord so I really won't complain.

Okay, back-tracking to Mexico... it was an amazing trip! I feel like I got a chance to connect with some of the girls one-on-one, which is more my thing. I was nervous going with such a large group and not even knowing their names, let alone anything about them. The first night at the High School group gave me a chance to see that these kids really have a heart for God, and that's all I needed to confirm His will that I go on the trip. So, even though it was a little slow going at first, there were several points along the way where I was able to have some awesome conversations with the "kiddos" as Eric Dodson calls them. I still refuse to believe that I am 10 years older than these guys. Where did the time go?? Anyway, Micah put together a sweet little blog with a link to TONS of pictures. If you've been down to the Mission before, you'll really enjoy seeing what it looks like today and how all the kids have grown.
Here are a couple of my own:

Ginger the donkey

At the cross...

Lupe and Karina

The new amphitheater at the Mission

The prayer of all the leaders on the way home was that everyone would keep this experience with them as we all fell back into our daily routines in Oregon. That was the prayer of and for my own heart, as I remember that after my last trip down to the Mission I was severely attacked by the enemy upon my return. I can already feel that happening this time around, but this time I'm prepared for it and can recognize it for what it is. Oh, the enemy is tricky, but my God is at least ten steps ahead.

I realized the other day that everything I think I know can change in an instant. I want to say I'm okay with that, but my nature goes against the notion. At the same time, though, I love the idea that you never really know what God has in store for you. But, if you let Him remain in control you'll never be disappointed. So, I can't wait to see where I go from here!