Saturday, October 11, 2008


I'm trying something new today. Sitting at a Starbucks using a laptop. Novel, right? I know, but I'm really technologically challenged so for me it's a new and exciting experience. Actually, what really prompted this adventure was me, sitting there typing a really long e-mail to a friend, only to have my computer completely crash. I've never had that happen, and now I'm beginning to understand the frustration. So I stole Mom's laptop and plopped down at my old Starbucks store and am spending the afternoon researching homes and cars. The first I'm excited about, and the second, not so much. I love my little Miata, and really don't want something new. Sure, at times it'd be really nice to have something larger and newer, maybe with seat warmers. And yeah, it'd bring a sense of comfort to know that if I need to jet out into traffic I could depend on my car to accelerate from a dead stop. All this aside, I love my car and am not looking forward to having to part with it.

I have been relatively comfortable lately, which means it's probably time for another big change. I'm loving being able to commit to things outside of work, and also having time for reading and reflecting. My life is so much more fulfilling now that my job is not my entire life. I just had lunch with a good friend who's struggling with the balance between work and life, and it made me so thankful to have that stress all but totally removed from my life. Sure, there are stressful things at work that I deal with, and on occassion those things follow me home. But truly, at the end of the day I am so thankful to be able to go to the gym, hang out with the high schoolers at The Shed, go to Bible study, or just whatever. And I don't know if I'll ever get used to having my entire weekend free! I've considered getting a second part time job to help save for my house, but right now I don't know if that's what the Lord is calling me to do. It would definitely help with finances, but at what expense to my life in general? I'm thinking about helping some of my mom's co-workers out with childcare a few days a month, but am just waiting on the Lord's direction right now.

God has really been showing me how faithful He is, and reminding me to trust Him in all areas of my life. He is faithful to His promises, and He has amazing plans for me. Philippians chapter 4 has been a huge comfort and reminder to me recently. God totally has things under control, and it would be silly to spend my days worrying about tomorrow.