Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Just Like Peter Pan!

So, the interview went pretty well (I think). The only thing that made me panic a bit is when they told me they have an "inundation" of applicants. Yowza. That means they seriously get their pick of the litter. But... I know that the Lord has the perfect job for me and, if this is it, they'll know it too. The next step is that I'm going in tomorrow to job shadow someone who does what I'd be doing if I were to get the job. This is a bit scary for me, as I've been job searching for several months now and I think I know what I'd like to do and be good at (which is why I applied for this particular job in the first place!). So, if I walk in there tomorrow and become repulsed or bored... then what? I'm back at square one, I guess. Try to rally my enthusiasm for Starbucks again? Hmm... yeah, I think I've used up all the enthusiasm I can possibly muster in that department. Sorry, Howie.

There's my quick little update. I hope anyone and everyone who happens to read my blog is happy and well and full of joy in the Lord.

VOD: " 'You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, because the work of the Son brings glory to the Father. Yes, ask anything in my name, and I will do it.' " -John 14:13-14


adam koller said...

The shadow is the best way to learn if you would enjoy the job. And your right, if it isn't a good fit, you know God has something else for ya!

adam koller said...

Have you heard anything yet?

Brice said...

Not yet... I'm practically checking my phone every two minutes though! They did e-mail me asking to do a background check, so that's a good sign I think. As long as they don't find out about... ah, nevermind :)

adam koller said...

I hope they don't read this, then they will know you used to... I have said to much. Did you remind them that you are Brice Krevanko, the Brice Krevanko, that everyone in that industry talks about? Maybe they just need a reminder :)