Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sometimes the Lord speaks audibly

Wow. That was seriously amazing.

Okay, so I was sitting here in front of the computer, applying for any job I could possibly imagine enjoying and being good at and qualifying for. Suddenly, I felt the strongest urge to go grab my cell phone (the number I put on all resumes) from upstairs. At first I laughed to myself, thinking how ridiculous it was to think an employer might call me back within the hour of receiving my application.


Um, okay. I think I'll get my phone. (?)

I hustled up to my room, unplugged the phone from its charger on my nightstand, and ran back downstairs to return to my applications.

Not two minutes later (I kid you not) my phone began ringing with an unfamiliar number.


"Hi, this is Manager from Corporation W. We received your application for Job X and would like to schedule you for an interview."

No. Way.

I tried with everything in me to contain my giddiness as we worked out the details, and promptly began running around screaming and hugging my cat once the call ended.

I have an interview! A real, face-to-face, meet-the-managers, wear-fancy-shoes-and-grown-up-clothes interview! Okay yes, I have had a couple of those already, but this is with a company I really really want to work for at a job I know I would enjoy and be great at. No stumbling and mumbling through an impromptu phone interview with so-and-so from HR.


So, the moral of the story is that next time I get that subtle nudge from the Lord to get up and do something (may it be as simple as getting my phone from upstairs, or as major as picking up and moving to some foreign place), I am going to pay just a bit more attention. Because, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Lord can and does speak audibly to His children. All we need to do is listen and be ready to act. So, Lord, my prayer is that You would help me to do just that. Help me to hear Your voice, and to be confident in what You ask of me.

Oh, and Lord, help me also to trust where You would take me and what You would have me do. I know that if this job is of You, things will work out. However, if Your desire is not for me to get this job, I pray that You would give me complete peace about it, knowing that You have something better in mind for me. Thank You, Jesus.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

hey this is awesome
congrats on listening to the LORD and obeying Him
First of all, I love that you capitalize the H's describing God
and second of all
I wanted to share with you something. Praying is an awesome way to talk to God and reading the Bible is often how He responds, but there are a lot of verses that describe how we should praise God instead of just praying or listening. Praise Him praise Him praise Him. So I wanted to encourage you to do this and be blessed by what He shows you. Have fun with life.