Thursday, May 29, 2008

Answered Prayer

God is so awesome! I don't want to jump ahead of myself, but I have a really strong feeling that He has been preparing me for this new adventure for quite a while now... I'm helping out with the Athey Creek high school group!! This is terrifying and exciting all at once, and I can't wait to see where it leads. I have a few short weeks to get to know people, and then we're off to The Mission in Mexico! When the offer was thrown my way to help out with the trip, I thought the answer would probably be yes, but wasn't sure. I prayed about it and have gotten confirmation after confirmation from God. The final answer came tonight at The Shed. I was thinking back to the college group trip we took to The Mission in 2004 and the day we were packing up to go home. I was giving one of the full time staff a hug and saying we'd miss everyone, and her words were, "You'll be back." In my mind I didn't see much chance of that happening, but here I am, counting down the days until my return! I'm so excited, and can't wait to get to know the high schoolers and let the Lord use me in whatever capacity He will. This is an answer to prayer, and a huge blessing for me. Yay!!

1 comment:

adam koller said...

Owwww! Brice Krevanko movin' on up. Now we will NEVER see you. You are going to be one of those people (like others I know) who never have time for their friends because she is working for the church. (Not a bad reason though)! I am proud of you, I know you are going to do great, and it is something that has been on your heart for some time now.

Answer to a couple of your questions: Are we leaving Athey? I have no idea. We are praying about that one a lot. We really feel like being apart of a fellowship that meets in the community in which we live and hang out in, and we are never in West Linn. But we both LOVE Brett's teaching... I think we need to step out on the boat on this one and see what the Lord has. Plus Brett is talking about starting downtown up again in a different location which would be awesome... I just don't know.

Have I put in windows yet? I have one done, and it looks fantastic! Hopefully in the next few weeks I will have a lot more progress on those.

Job search? Interesting. Elissa is seeing a poloties(?) instructor in the Beaumont area, actually just had her first appointment this morning. The lady was asking her questions about her life and Elissa happened to mention me and work and what I was looking for. It turns out this lady works for a company that collaborates with Wyden and Kennedy and he hangs out with the head boss all the time. She told Elissa to bring in my resume and she would have her husband pass it on. Pray! (For the Lord's Will).

Kids? 3. Start hanging out with us for goodness sake!

No. No kids. Not for a long time! We are just starting to get in a nice rhythm and we are finally starting to be the people I always hoped we would be. We are doing more outdoor activities. I just rode about 50 miles yesterday getting ready for a possible Seattle to Portland run. We'll see if I can get in good enough shape.

Life is good, really good. And I hope your life is equally as blessed or more so than mine. We hope to hang out with you soon. I was just telling Elissa that we have not seen you in quite some time and I hope we all get a chance to do something soon.

Blessings!! :)